Events & News
BAHACON Conference 2025
BAHACON (Bluewater, Atheist, Humanist, Agnostic) Conference August 2025. Featured as Speaker.
Talk Title: Emerging From the Sandstorm: Escaping the Grip of Islamic Fundamentalism
Golden Gate Breakfast Club
Jan 29th, Jasmin Faulk-Dickerson
The Last Sandstorm: My Cross- Cultural Life in Saudi Arabia
Join us for an extraordinary journey of resilience and empowerment with Jasmin Faulk-Dickerson. In her thought-provoking talk, Breaking Boundaries: A Journey of Resilience and Empowerment, Jasmin will share her deeply personal story of overcoming adversity and embracing her true self.
SheIsMe Conference- 2024
Speaker/Presenter: Uncensored Women Workshop
“Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence Conference” Presenter - 2024
“Young Educated Ladies Leading Female Summit” Presenter - 2024
Presenter/Speaker: at the Regional Emerging Multicultural Leadership Experience 2023 conference, Friday 10/20/2013. Joined by co-lead, Kate Ayers, the workshop in the style of Theater of the Oppressed is titled “Health & Harmony in Multicultural Leadership: Empower, Inspire, and Cultivate a Vibrant Peace”
Let’s Talk Memoir Appearance
Let’s Talk Memoir is a podcast for memoir lovers, readers, and writers, featuring interviews with memoirists about their writing process, their challenges, and what they’ve learned about sharing the most personal of narratives. Hosted by writer, speaker, and memoirist Ronit Plank, each episode of this limited series highlights different aspects of the memoir-writing experience, and offers writing tips, and inspiration.
A clip from my “Between The Middle East & The West” talk
Book Club Visit
Duke Campus Club Reading Group
March, 15th 2023
Honoring Dr. King and Black Excellence in Music
January 14, 2023
Seattle Area
2020 was a year that brought us to many powerful awakenings. From the importance of community and connection, to our health and well-being. One major reckoning was the blatant rise in racism, white supremacy, and prejudice — as a consequence, a rise in anti-racism and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work also took place around the world.
Since WOW falls on the weekend that celebrates the life and impressive work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we have decided to carve out time during our weekend gathering to reflect and focus on Black excellence in the field of folk, traditional, and popular music.
This year we will explore segments of Ken Burns’ impressive documentary The History of Country Music, where we will dive into the undeniable and profound influences of African and African-American music roots brought to this continent by slaves and becoming the center of a music tradition now synonymous with the South and traditional, folk, country music.
This hour, which will include a short viewing of Ken Burns’ documentary and a forum style discussion, will be hosted by Jasmin Faulk-Dickerson, a member of our WOW community, and the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at South Puget Sound Community College in Olympia, WA
Thurston Talk: Local Authors from Olympia and Thurston County
‘The Last Sandstorm’
Jasmin Faulk-Dickerson
“The Last Sandstorm” is an incredible memoir by Jasmin Faulk-Dickerson that portrays her own escape from Saudi Arabia to the U.S. shortly before 9/11. “The book, which I wrote as a yearlong academic project at The Evergreen State College during my time there as a student, describes my life and upbringing in a very oppressive Saudi Arabia during the 70s, 80s, and 90s,” says Faulk-Dickerson.
Podcast Appearance on “Booklovers’ Cafe” - KPTZ radio
(Airdate: October 11, 2022) Cris Wilson interviews author Jasmin Faulk-Dickerson about her memoir The Last Sandstorm. Jasmin is a writer, speaker, and cultural identity advocate. She draws motivation from her personal story to educate and promote social justice and understanding. Born in the Middle East to an Italian mother and Arabian father, she immigrated to the United States in 1999 and pursued her education in Wyoming and Washington State in writing, equity, diversity, and leadership. In her memoir, The Last Sandstorm, Jasmin highlights the colorful and challenging experiences of her upbringing in Saudi Arabia, which led to her harrowing escape in her 20s. It is a family story, a romance and a thriller – a modern teenager in the repressive culture of Saudi Arabia.
October 11, 2022
Timberland Regional Library
Olympia, WA
Program Type: Special Event, Books & Authors
Age Group: Teen (ages 12-18) , Adult (18 and older)
Program Description
Event Details
Local author Jasmin Faulk-Dickerson will read from and discuss her book, "The Last Sandstorm," a memoir of her life in Saudi Arabia from childhood to young adulthood, and her daring escape to the West. The book is both a coming-of-age story and an immigrant's saga, two overlapping narratives that are told with generosity, humor, and a pervasive sense of longing and loss. The narrative documents what it means to grow up with unanswered questions, strive to conform and belong, and finally, dare to leave her known world behind. Copies of the book will be available for purchase and signing at the end of the program.
Author Visit: Jasmin Faulk-Dickerson on "The Last Sandstorm"
My appearance on KPTZ Radio’s show Cats in Our Laps with host Phil Andrus. We discuss my memoir, The Last Sandstorm, which includes a reading & conversation.
Book Reading & Signing
June 3rd 2022
5pm - 6pm
Orca Books Co-Op
315 5th Ave SE
Olympia, WA 98501